The HealthVisions Midwest Dignity Award Criteria

HealthVisions Midwest recognizes the important role of people who humbly serve and sacrifice to help others live healthier lives. In that spirit, we award this honor annually, using guidelines based on our core values, including Dignity and Respect for All. The criteria for the Dignity Award are as follows.

Dignity Award recipients are those who:

  • Listen attentively and respond courageously to the needs of the time.
  • Willingly serve wherever the need arises.
  • Advocate on behalf of those who are underserved.
  • Use their own skills and talents to help increase the overall health and life of others who are differently skilled.
  • Respect and affirm others regardless of race, creed, sex, age, sexual orientation, status, or ability.
  • Treat people equitably, demonstrating that each human being has rights and responsibilities.
  • Intentionally collaborate with others who embrace a common mission to achieve the greatest impact, regardless of individual recognition. 

HealthVisions may award two Dignity recipients. One for an organization or group. The second is for an individual. The 2023 recipients were: Refugee Resettlement Services/Catholic Charities and Tiann Aughinbaugh. If you know an group or individual who meets the criteria for a Dignity Award, please complete the online form by August 23, 2024. The Dignity Award winner will be announced at the 3rd Annual ReThinking Health Breakfast, 8:00 a.m. Friday, September 27, 2024, at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum.