For more information contact Deja Bailey:
Phone: 219 844-2698 Ext. 104
Email: dbailey@hvusa.org
For more information contact Deja Bailey:
Phone: 219 844-2698 Ext. 104
Email: dbailey@hvusa.org
Eating Smart, Being Active Classes
6 Sessions Include:
What is the HEART Program?
Community Health Worker will communicate with client in home, office or other location to check BP, weight and BMI and provide education on: know your numbers, low sodium diet, move more, eat healthy, proper rest, etc., provide appropriate referrals and encourage participation in Eating Healthy, Being Active classes.
Serve your clients and the community by becoming a Certified Community Health Worker
Hammond, IN, Sept. 29, 2021 – Today on World Heart Day, HealthVisions Midwest was named one of seven innovative, community-based nonprofit organizations to receive a grant from the AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation to address cardiovascular disease, a leading cause of death in the nation. The $149,676 year-two grant will provide continued support for HEART program, launched in 2020.
The grant is part of the AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation’s Connections for Cardiovascular Health (CCH)SM Next Generation program, now in its second year, which aims to improve heart health in the US, particularly among historically disregarded and underserved populations, through tailored approaches that best meet the needs of local communities.
“Our goal is to empower individuals to make lifestyle changes that lower their risk for cardiovascular disease and lead to better health,” said Michael Coleman, Director. “The Connections for Cardiovascular HealthSM Next Generation grant will help us break down health disparities and improve heart health for those most in need.