2019 Impact Report
HealthVisions Midwest works to develop healthy communities by addressing the needs of poor and marginalized citizens in the areas we serve.
HealthVisions Midwest Statement on Racism
- Advocate for the underserved who are disproportionately people of color, by working with government groups and coalitions to ensure that laws and practices don’t discriminate.
- Create opportunities for people of color to have a voice by speaking on relevant issues and needs.
- Bring diverse groups of leaders and advocates together to share ideas and devise strategies to decrease health disparities.
- Enhance diversity of the board to better represent the communities served in Hammond and Fort Wayne, IN and East St. Louis, IL.
- Prioritize diversity and inclusion in hiring staff and consultants.
- Ensure marketing materials represent the diversity of the communities we serve.
Below is a Statement from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious that Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ Provincial Leadership is endorsing.
Repair Our Democracy
As members of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ stand with the other more than 1300 leaders of Catholic sisters nationwide as we make this statement:
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) joins with the world in praying for peace after witnessing the violence and lawlessness yesterday in our nation’s capital. We are deeply concerned about the state of our country and the future of our democracy. Our hearts ached as we watched these despicable actions that threaten not only to destroy the seat of our government but to rend the bonds that unite us. We commend and thank the members of Congress who courageously continued their service to the nation last night even amid the chaos.
In our increasingly divided nation, we renew our commitment to the common good and pledge to take up the challenge to use our energy to repair our democracy and contribute to the work of building a more perfect union. We invite all people of good will to join us and we call on our elected leaders to point the way.
The statement is on the LCWR website and on the LCWR Facebook page.
United in our prayer for the world,
Leadership Conference of Women Religious

COVID-19, Health & Safety
Helping Build Community Resilience
We have a responsibility to ourselves, to each other, and to our incredible health care workers to do everything we possibly can to reduce transmission of COVID-19.
And while COVID-19 vaccines have brought welcome hope to our communities, we know it will take months before enough people are vaccinated. Until then it will be more important than ever to wear a mask, practice social distancing and hand washing.
Let’s all please do our part to support one another and follow the guidelines so the pandemic can become part of our past and we can reclaim our present and future.